Monday, April 25, 2011

HP dv6000 Vista re-install - PC not recognizing networking hardware

I did a reinstall on a friends PC. He is running Win vista, 64 bit. Once the reinstall was complete the PC would not recognize the networking hardware. I have tried reinstalling the drivers from the HP site, but none of these seem to work. Any suggestions? Would like to try downloading them from the manufacturers site, but don't know who makes it. Please help!!! Thank you!!

Freezing problem

guys sorry to raise this topic again i got a new GTX260M replaced there's no driver stopped working and recovered error but now my laptop freezes in the midst of any video playback or when playing game!!!

so i must manually reboot !!

is there any prob with my GPU or any other???

Reply 1 : Freezing problem

Try this -- right click on the video, select Settings and disable hardware acceleration.

Reply 2 : Freezing problem

This can be caused by several things... in my case I had to get a new card from Dell... if nothing helps, call them.

Things to try are clean installing new drivers, disabling hardware acceleration (like The Rev said), making sure you have the system up to date (Windows + BIOS)...

Reply 3 : Freezing problem system's updated with new bios A09,win7 x64 Ultimate!

and latest 270.51 beta Drivers .

but i think i may be avictim of windows genuine software counterfeiting..

that should not be causing as i think?

am i right?

M15x GPU Upgrade Questions/GPU Questions

Alright, so I posted this on another forum as well, but I realized after-the-fact that I would probably receive better information here, so here goes:

Hello all, I'm looking to upgrade the GPU on my M15x laptop and I have several questions regarding how mobile GPU's work (or GPUs in general) as I don't know very much about them at all.

First, I understand how CPUs of a certain socket require a motherboard of a matching socket to work, are GPUs similar in this respect? For example, will a certain motherboard only support certain GPUs or does the motherboard just need a PCI(e) slot?

What about mobile GPUs? Can any discrete mobile GPU be swapped for another discrete mobile GPU? If that is not the case, what restrictions are in place to prevent this from happening. From the mobile GPUs that I've seen, the only thing that seems drastically different are the heatsinks, and I understand this as there are many different laptop designs out there and therefore there must be many different, form-fitting, heatsinks.

What upgrade possibilities are there with an Alienware M15x equipped with an NVIDIA GT 240M?

Where can one buy mobile GPUs? I cannot seem to find any retailer who sells them and I have a strong distrust for Ebay. Does Dell/Alienware sell parts to owners of Dell/Alienware systems and would I be able to order from them?

If instead you know of a good source of information on mobile GPUs that may answer many of these questions, please let me know (I like to read).


Reply 1 : M15x GPU Upgrade Questions/GPU Questions

Alright lemme break it down for you:

Yes Alienware machines are highly upgradable. You can upgrade to (listed in order of performance):

5730, 260m GTX, 280m GTX, 285m GTX, 460m GTX, 5850, 5870 and 6970m although the last one is still experimental.

Places you can get them: the market place has them every now and them, ebay and phoning up Dell and requesting for one, the only options provided by Dell are the 460m GTX and 5850, 5870 and 6970m cards are hard to get if you tell them that you have a M15x as Dell offer them in other laptops. You can also go to for the 6970m.

Like desktops, the graphics cards you buy must be in MXM 3.0 type B format. I have basically listed all the cards that are offered in that format besides the 470m GTX (which had some problems) and the 480m and 485m cards which are too demanding in terms of power draw.

Heatsinks should fit fine. If you want to change, remember to have thermal paste and pads

Hope this helps

Reply 2 : M15x GPU Upgrade Questions/GPU Questions

Arent the pads already on the heatsink

Reply 3 : M15x GPU Upgrade Questions/GPU Questions

Yeah but just in case. The GT 240m has fewer memory chips and heat sink contacts so there may be a lack of them. And the pads Dell offer are pretty bad. Not that I've changed mine. It's up to you.

Reply 4 : M15x GPU Upgrade Questions/GPU Questions

Thank you very much!

One last question then, where can I find Dell's phone number to call and inquire about an upgrade to, for example, a 460M?

Again, thank you. I had searched for this information for quite some time (I must've just not really know what to search for) and had come up empty, this was quite helpful.

Reply 5 : M15x GPU Upgrade Questions/GPU Questions

so when going from 5730 to 5850 do i have to worry?

Try 1-800-254-3692 and just ask for what you want

Reply 6 : M15x GPU Upgrade Questions/GPU Questions

I don't think going from a 5730 to a 5850 is a problem

@Kicki I've never called Dell and even if I did I'm in the UK so the number is different. There are plenty other people in this forums that have done so. I think it's just the customer service number you call to make a purchase.

Reply 7 : M15x GPU Upgrade Questions/GPU Questions

I called Dell this evening, ordered the 5850 and will even have in house service to intsall it!

Reply 8 : M15x GPU Upgrade Questions/GPU Questions

Lucky, I asked if they could install it, and they said no. So now im stuck asking all of these questions on how to do it

Reply 9 : M15x GPU Upgrade Questions/GPU Questions

Was 100.bucks more, but I know nothing about having them installed.

ObamaCare: UK Style

Surgeons say patients in some parts of England have spent months waiting in pain because of delayed operations or new restrictions on who qualifies for treatment.

In several areas routine surgery was put on hold for months, while in many others new thresholds for hip and knee replacements have been introduced.

The moves are part of the NHS drive to find 20bn efficiency savings by 2015.

The government said performance should be measured by outcomes not numbers....

Is forced socialized medicine that depends on such health care rationing to make it affordable really moral?

Reply 1 : ObamaCare: UK Style

is the NHS which is fully paid for by taxes, but has restrictions as noted above. The second tier is Private Insurance which is usually paid at least in part by an employer. If you've got a decent job odds are you will have Private Insurance as part of the package, and you can go to a Private Hospital and the restrictions above don't apply. I really don't know what the statistics are of percents covered by Basic vs Private insurance. Perhaps Mark might know. Regardless of that issue, life expectancy is a couple of years longer in the UK than it is in the US, and that's entirely due to the availability of Health Care. The same is true with every Single Payer system in the world, better outcomes and longer life expectancies than those in the US, despite the inconveniences.

The thing is that Health Care in the US prior to Congress's Health Care (it's not what Obama was talking about during the campaign, it was messed about ferociously) was rationed through the large number of people without insurance, or with insufficient insurance, or those people whose insurance was cut off in mid treatment by their insurance companies. There are significant waits for various surgeries at Public Hospitals, which means the US already has the same problems you are remarking upon as applying to Britain. When I see people talking about the US Health Care system, they just skip over the people who don't have generous Health Insurance Plans as if they don't exist. They have always existed in the US.

People may have to wait for treatment, but they get it eventually. Additionally this is as I understand it, a move put in place by the Conservative government requiring the NHS to save 20 billion by 2015. Allocation of funds in this case is a political decision, and the average Conservative voter probably already has a private plan anyway. However I would like to hear what Mark Flax has to say on the issue.

My personal experience working for the NHS was extremely positive, and the services offered were far greater than those in either the US or Canada in both of whose Health Care Systems I have worked.


Reply 2 : ObamaCare: UK Style

and the cost of their health care. Notice how small the amounts are for the UK. And yet the Tory government has ordered 20 billion US dollars in savings in an already efficient system.,_US_Dollars_PPP.png

Somebody should smack David Cameron around the lug hole for that.


Reply 3 : ObamaCare: UK Style

that don't have health care insurance?

I saw a TV report a few years ago, (no links), A team of dentists visited various places in the southern US states offering free dental treatment for those without insurance. They were over-subscribed by thousands and couldn't treat them all. The queues were hundreds of yards down the streets for those who had never been able to afford dental treatment in their lives.

Is forced capitalist {lack of} treatment on such uninsured really moral?

To Rob. No, most businesses do not offer private health insurance. The private industry has tried for decades to get a foothold into the UK with little success.


Reply 4 : ObamaCare: UK Style

That if an uninsured American went to the dentist and wanted to pay for it themselves, they can get treatment. Is that allowed where you live?

Reply 5 : ObamaCare: UK Style

Why are people waiting for medical care?

Reply 6 : ObamaCare: UK Style

It happens.

I've never said our NHS system is perfect.

Seems you think yours is?


Reply 7 : ObamaCare: UK Style

Blanche went to Poland to get a "Polish Hip" happy

Reply 8 : ObamaCare: UK Style

But it is the best

Reply 9 : ObamaCare: UK Style

According to WHO, You?

Reply 10 : ObamaCare: UK Style

if the spin-off industry from it...that being litigation...could be dealt with before creating a money pot to cover it. The money pot is going to have other hands than medical providers reaching for it.

Reply 11 : ObamaCare: UK Style

I don't mean to minimize the impact of the US legal system but I think that the cost impact of the legal system has been somewhat exaggerated.

Reply 12 : ObamaCare: UK Style

It would seem to me that fear of being sued is just as, if not more-so, involved in both the $$$ cost of treatment as well as medical innovation. Don't we read that US health providers are more procedure driven than those in other countries? I don't know how true this is or what the impact might be but, since we're talking about health care in general, the impact may be more than what we see on the billing statement and may not be easily measurable.

Reply 13 : ObamaCare: UK Style

Industry who seem to be a law unto themselves. You ever had a clean driving record and find your insurance has nearly doubled the next year? Happened to me up here in Ontario. One year it was $600, the next it was $1000, all because the insurance industry "claimed" that the accident rate had gone up, even though their payouts had gone down that year. The Province had to step in and create a Province wide No Fault Insurance system to force the Private Insurers to back away from their cash grab.


Reply 14 : ObamaCare: UK Style

pays by procedure and test. A doctor talks to you, listens to your heart/lungs, decides you're ok.

He, or rather his clinic/employer, gets paid for an office visit.

He orders testing to verify what he thinks (perhaps to cover himself in case of a lawsuit also) and his employer has it's own testing, there is more fees.

I'm not saying the doctors are ordering unneeded tests. I'm saying there are pressures from the way the systems works, both financially and liability wise, to run two test instead on one.

The payment scheme for advising you on what to eat and what exercise you need isn't very rewarding. That is unless you're referred to a clinical dietitian and a rehabilitation expert.

Reply 15 : ObamaCare: UK Style

The WHO rankings depend on a certain set of criteria that are partly arbitrary.

I can't speak for the other countries on the list, but the US has multiple health care systems that all end up lumped together in that list. We 'benefit' from: the VA/military system that does a fair/poor job, the indigent care system that offers abysmal care, Medicaid that varies from state to state but is probably fair/poor overall, commercial insurance that mostly offers good (if expensive) care, and care for the wealthy that is completely unrestricted that offers excellent but very expensive care.

Some critics look only at the low end of that care spectrum. Some enthusiasts look only at the high end of the spectrum. I don't think either of those approaches is very meaningful.

Reply 16 : ObamaCare: UK Style

I it states in my link.

The World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems was last produced in 2000, and the WHO no longer produces such a ranking table, because of the complexity of the task.

Best for one person may not be good enough for their fellow countryman.

Reply 17 : ObamaCare: UK Style

assertion. Even when I lived in the US for the first half of my life, I couldn't understand why we thought US health care was the best. The cure for Diabetes was found in Canada. The first heart transplants took place in South Africa, Cancer treatments come from all over the globe including but not restricted to the US, Heart Pacemakers were pioneered at Toronto General Hospital in the late 1940's and early 1950's. Johns Hopkins and Alfred Blalock pioneered "blue baby" operations but so did the Hospital for Sick Children and Robert Mustard in Toronto, and a Hospital in Christ Church New Zealand, all around the same time, and each with a slight difference. The surgery now is a combination of the approaches.

An odd thing from my experience and unfamiliar to most of you save Dr. Bill, Total Parenteral Nutrition, for people whose stomach and intestines have been removed for any of a number of reasons, was pioneered in Sweden, and the lipid solution is still made there, though perhaps there are now US manufacturers (there weren't when I first encountered it in the US).

TPN must be kept fresh in a Hospital grade refrigerator, and supplied about every two weeks to the patients (i.e. a two week supply is delivered). Not only does the NHS supply these I.V. solutions, but it supplies the rather expensive fridge to store them. I used to deliver them once a week to two lists of patients on alternate weeks, meaning the Hospital must have a delivery van too. I don't know how it's done in Canada, though I have encountered it here, but I don't know that it's available for home use as it is in the UK.

So why is the Health Care delivered in the US "the best". Do you have the lowest infant mortality? No. Do you have the longest average life spans? No. Do you have the cheapest Health Care? No, US Health Care is the most expensive in the world while leaving 50 million uninsured and probably another 100 million under-insured.

I came up here somewhat reluctantly, unhappy to leave all that was familiar behind. It took me 10 years to get to the point where I could see that the Canadian system was not merely better but far better, and far fairer, and when I went to Britain 7 years after that, I was astonished at how much more comprehensive the British system was than the Canadian.

I still think the solution to underfunding in the UK and Canada is to funnel all the taxes on liquor and cigarettes directly into the health care budget. Those are the two things that cause the most health problems. That would likely end all the problems, but of course government has been spending those revenues on just about everything else but Health Care. But that wouldn't help in the US where "sin taxes" aren't much in evidence.


Reply 18 : ObamaCare: UK Style

I had a crown done there for about a quarter of what it costs in Canada.


Reply 19 : ObamaCare: UK Style

One in five are too hard up to see the dentist

Read more:

Reply 20 : ObamaCare: UK Style

Despite the overall improvement in oral health status, gaps in the provision of care remain. Over the 20-year period 1977-96, the gap in the use of services between low-income people (those with incomes under 200 percent of the Federal poverty level) and higher income people (those with incomes over 400 percent of the Federal poverty level) increased.2 The number of preventive visits is below recommended levels, and access to dental care remains problematic for minorities, the elderly, children on Medicaid, and other low-income children. For example:

Reply 21 : ObamaCare: UK Style

That has NOTHING to do with UK dental care

Reply 22 : ObamaCare: UK Style

not just a discussion of one system's defects while forbidding the mention of another. You're technically correct, what is done here and what is done there are separate issues...But you also seem a bit touchy about it.

Actually, there's a lot about government medical or government insurance I don't think I like. But when I look around sometimes, I wonder which list of deficiencies is worse.

So far I've been lucky, I've only had a few periods since I entered the work force full time I wasn't working. And they were all less than 3 months so I could carry COBRA. Expensive, but I managed it. If it had been more than 3 months, I'd probably have been without insurance.

I had a couple of crowns before I had any dental insurance. Even with a steady fair paying job for the time, covering them was a hassle. It helped a lot my dentist was willing to spread part of it out over a few paychecks.

But if I had had an abscess without insurance or a job, I would have had to lose the tooth. Root canals and crowns have never been inexpensive.

While some people are out of work because they won't put forth enough effort, I know some personally that are out in spite of what they're willing to do. I know some working part-time with no insurance because they can't afford it. In the last year, I barely kept my job. The cutoff was actually above me, but three older workers volunteered for layoff to collect their severance, draw unemployment or work part-time for a few months until they officially retired.

Reply 23 : ObamaCare: UK Style

If you're going to suggest those without private insurance deserve it at the expense of those that do have it then you might as well advocate that everyone in the world deserves it. Borders shouldn't even matter.

FWIW, Medicare does cover hip replacement in the U.S...

Reply 24 : ObamaCare: UK Style

Health Care for everyone.

Who do you believe 'doesn't' deserve health care?


Reply 25 : ObamaCare: UK Style

a bit too broad. We'd need to find a proper definition for the term "health care" and especially as opposed to "medical treatment". I'd consider health care to include such as routine diagnostics, preventive care, consultations and advice by professionals, etc. These are such covered by insurance or "wellness" plans. Medical treatment is another matter. I don't think we do or should deny an accident or heart attack victim some sort of emergency service and there are plenty of free clinics that will offer such as immunizations, some outpatient treatments, etc. But a full fledged health care plan is another matter.

Reply 26 : ObamaCare: UK Style

In Europe we see Health Care as all-encompassing, from birth onwards.

I have no difficulty with that definition and I see no moral reason to refuse anyone health care simply because they are poor and cannot afford it or cannot afford private insurance.

Big differences there.


Reply 27 : ObamaCare: UK Style

paying for other people's health issues that are due to poor lifestyle choices and I don't expect the same in return if I don't live responsibly. I believe that type of health care is a major bone of contention as we consider blanket (cradle to grave) overage for all.

This is why I got rid of my ipad 2 (video)

This is what drives me nuts on the ipad 2 and to be its completely unacceptable. I thought this thing was suppose to be 2x faster with 9x faster graphics? Sounds like rubbish to me apple. Ive tried this on 3 ipads and all are the same and its not my internet connection cause this happens on all 4 wifi networks ivve been on thus far. so im guessing its normal.

As you can see in the video, the webpage is completely loaded, fast scrolling or slow scrolling it doesnt matter. Doesnt matter what site, it happens on all, all the time. For a $700 device, you would think it wouldnt do this. I mean do our computers do it? Maybe ones from 1992 running Pentium 2 CPUs.

YouTube - MVI 4027

Im actually considering getting a playbook, cause from the time i was in the store yesterday playing with playbook it was seamlessly faster and smoother.


Reply 1 : This is why I got rid of my ipad 2 (video)

you can always pick out a few minor things... and specific websites that show up flaws in software... wether is iPad or anything else. Whats your point?

Reply 2 : This is why I got rid of my ipad 2 (video)

The issue with the websites is an optimization used by developers to conserve resources.

Keeping a whole webpage loaded requires usage of resources, so instead they only load the content that is viewed and leave the rest unloaded.

This is pretty much an easy way to optimize, and honestly one of the worst ways. I am not surprised to see iOS utilize this type of optimization, it is pretty typical of Apple to use easy optimization that sacrifice other areas.

Reply 3 : This is why I got rid of my ipad 2 (video)

I guess I don't see the issue. My Droid X does the same exact thing when loading websites. Also, if you are going to show a "proof" video, the least you can do is link one that is an accurate test. The PlayBook vs iPad is an unfair comparison as that it the original iPad. Of course the dual-core PlayBook (which has more RAM) is going to load content faster. That would be like me comparing the boot times of a PowerBook G4 to a new quad-core Dell XPS 15 with SSD only to make the claim that Apple is teh sucksorz and Windows is teh ba-bomb! The videos comparing the PlayBook to the iPad 2 still put the iPad 2 ahead, you might want to take a look at them instead of posting a video that was made way before the iPad came out and is clearly comparing a first generation product to a second generation release.

Reply 4 : This is why I got rid of my ipad 2 (video)

Wow, that is atrocious. I have an iPad 1 and was thinking of getting 2 specifically for improved performance on webpages. Looks like I made the right choice in not upgrading.

Reply 5 : This is why I got rid of my ipad 2 (video)

look at the date for the speed comparison video you provided.

here is a more up to date speed test:

Reply 6 : This is why I got rid of my ipad 2 (video)

It's not all sunshine on a BlackBerry Browser.

Reply 7 : This is why I got rid of my ipad 2 (video)


Originally Posted by kornchild2002
View Post

I guess I don't see the issue. My Droid X does the same exact thing when loading websites. Also, if you are going to show a "proof" video, the least you can do is link one that is an accurate test. The PlayBook vs iPad is an unfair comparison as that it the original iPad. Of course the dual-core PlayBook (which has more RAM) is going to load content faster. That would be like me comparing the boot times of a PowerBook G4 to a new quad-core Dell XPS 15 with SSD only to make the claim that Apple is teh sucksorz and Windows is teh ba-bomb! The videos comparing the PlayBook to the iPad 2 still put the iPad 2 ahead, you might want to take a look at them instead of posting a video that was made way before the iPad came out and is clearly comparing a first generation product to a second generation release.

Well true but still playbook 1st gen or not is 10x the hardware ipad 2 is. Just look at the cameras, 5MP on playbook, what 1.2MP on ipad 2? thats pathetic.

Im gonna head out to my local best buy right now and get a playbook. I need to spend a good week with it to test it out fully to my liking. If not ill just return it but im sure ill like it more than ipad 2.

Reply 8 : This is why I got rid of my ipad 2 (video)


Originally Posted by Helpmyfriend
View Post

Im gonna head out to my local best buy right now and get a playbook. I need to spend a good week with it to test it out fully to my liking. If not ill just return it but im sure ill like it more than ipad 2.

good luck!

Reply 9 : This is why I got rid of my ipad 2 (video)

Getting a playbook would be the worst choice you could make, it's pretty much dead right out of the gate. RIM failed to get the playbook "finished"

However I wasn't that impressed with the ipad 2. thus, the MBP I purchased instead.

What I don't get is why people don't do a little research before they blow their money. I see the OP has already run out to grab a playbook, he'll get it home, and be pissed off that it's not what he thought it would be, and he'll have no one to blame but himself.

And the biggest issue with the playbook? lack of 3rd party app support. For years developers asked RIM to make it easier to develop on the platform, and RIM ignored them, so now RIM is trying to scramble, but the developers have already bailed out and moved on to IOS and Android.

False Positive Report

JItbit Macro Recorder (download file) is being detected as a PWS-SpyEye!env.a virus, which it is not. How/where should I report a false-positive? Thanks

Reply 1 : False Positive Report

Hello jazbit,

you can follow this sticky post about reporting false positive detections with sending sample to . Or you can use our (anonymous) portal at - I have already sent this sample to our virus specialists.

Thank you for your report

Help me decide

So I bought an M11x 2 weeks ago, great machine, but now I'm having second thoughts. While I'm not a heavy heavy gamer, mainly RTS and RPG, i like my purchases to last me quite some time. I don't usually travel with my laptop, and usually it's just hooked up to my 24" monitor. However it is nice to be able to game on battery for almost 3 hours while being a couch potato. While i know the M14x has just been released, I am seriously considering picking up an M15x from the outlet with the i7 proc and 5850 for about 1200. My reasons for going with the M15x would have to be longetivity/upgradability, and of course more power. I would much rather spend $1200 on a laptop that can last me a few years with minor upgrades along the way. My dilemma is the battery life, could i at least get an hour of gaming, mainly SC2, and Rift on the M15x? I have heard the 5850 gets pretty hot and consumes a great deal of power. Or should i look for a slightly lower spec model with the i3 or i5 procs with the 5730? Thanks Guys.

Please don't recommend a desktop, as i do need portability on ocassion, just not enough to warrant a M11x.

Reply 1 : Help me decide

Ok just to say that all the top gaming machines by Clevo, Alienware, MSI and ASUS will all clock down to a crawl when on battery (or use the integrated IGP). You will get more battery but only with doing basic tasks. Even if you manage to hack your laptop to make it run full power on battery, it will be depleted within 30 mins. Then after long use like this, your battery with shrivel up and die. Unless you are playing a classic game like Doom, recent games will hardly run even on lowest settings on battery.

Still I do recommend getting a M15x if you want the portability provided you only game with it plugged in.

Reply 2 : Help me decide

I was torn between the M11x and the M15x to. I ended up purchasing the M15x but had I waited I probably would have bought the M14x. My biggest concern was that the screen on the M11x would be too small for me.

The M15x is great and has plenty of power but I almost always have the ac adapter connected. Installing an SSD improved the battery life but the time on battery is still quite limited.

Reply 3 : Help me decide

That's why I want to get an M17x as it has switchable graphics. I know I would never game on battery so the IGP is a great feature. Still though, the M17x R3 costs a bleeding bomb so guess I'll have to wait...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

eMail Marketing Software Setup..pls help

Hi - any experts care to advise on a 'cost efficient' solution to implement a eMail marketing software in a way that it DOES NOT conflict with the co's email server.

I have purchased an eMail SMTP Relay service which use for the eMail software but still seems to conflict with the co's email server...

My intention is to completely 'by-pass' the co's email server to send out marketing mailshots.

Thanks - Mave

where do i get the windows media services plugin?

i recently bought a new laptop with windows 7 home premium pre-installed. my former laptop had been hibernating whenever i seemed to use more than two or three programs at once.

while trying to add to my music library i found that i couldn't play back some tracks without a license for those tracks. when i tried to get a license i was told that i didn't have the 'windows media services plugin' installed.

i went to Microsoft and tried to find it and i couldn't. i tried to find a way to contact them directly and couldn't.

does anyone know where i can get this plugin?

Reply 1 : where do i get the windows media services plugin?

to manager your music library and play back the tracks?

And what program to get the license?


Reply 2 : where do i get the windows media services plugin?

the newest version of Windows Media Player, which came with the Windows 7 Home Premium package. apparently the plugin wasn't part of the package.

Sony PS-LX350H record player installation

I recently got a Sony PS-LX350H record player. I have it running through a USB Phono Plus preamp to a Dennon AVR 1601 receiver. Everything is hooked up correctly. All the cables are working, but when the record plays, no audio comes out of the speakers. I can faintly hear the record playing on the needle itself, but only feedback comes out of the speakers.

Any idea what's going on? Help would be greatly appreciated.

Reply 1 : Sony PS-LX350H record player installation

Comodo Defense + or Threatfire?

I'm interested in using Threatfire (the rest of my security programs are Avira Personal, Malwarebytes, HitmanPro, Emsisoft and Comodo firewall) but I had read somewhere that it might conflict with Comodo's Defense +. So...which is better? Disable Defense + or forget about installing Threatfire?

Windows Live Mesh ActiveX

There is only one computer in my home. I have uninstalled all Windows Live Essential programs except Mail. Since Windows Live Mesh is no longer on computer, is it OK to also uninstall the separate program Windows Live Mesh ActiveX Control for Remote Connections?


Reply 1 : Windows Live Mesh ActiveX

Windows Live Mesh allows you to sync programs between computers. This is what Microsoft says;

"If you have two or more computers running Windows 7 or Windows Vista, you can use Windows Live Mesh to sync program settings between them. You can sync your favorites in Internet Explorer, and if you have Microsoft Office installed, you can sync your styles, templates, custom dictionary, and email signatures. When you sync your program settings
between two computers, they will stay the same on both. Any changes you make on one computer will be made on the other".

Since you only have the one computer this does not seem appropriate to you.

Where is it listed, in "Programs and Features"? If so, then uninstalling should not harm anything else.


Reply 2 : Windows Live Mesh ActiveX

I thought it would be O.K. to uninstall Windows Live Mesh activeX control for remote connections, but as usual, I wanted another opinion. Since I removed all of Windows Live Essential programs, it really has no reason for being happy

The Windows Live Mesh activeX control is in Programs and Features, but is separate from Windows Live Essentials.


Dual Monitoring

How to set up dual montors but one above the other. Windows just gives me the option to put it aside. Is it even possible?

Reply 1 : Dual Monitoring

ya just move them on top of each other

Reply 2 : Dual Monitoring

Forgot to say it's Windows 2000. I guess what you're saying is possible in W7.

Reply 3 : Dual Monitoring

It's been a while but I don't think that win2k offers any kind of support for multiple monitor setups.

Matrox ran their older multi-monitor cards on win2k alongside of their own multi-monitor software, but who knows if you can still get those products and drivers/software.

Reply 4 : Dual Monitoring

Click on the appropriate monitor in the Settings dialog and drag it above (or below) the other to match your physical layout.


Originally Posted by newsposter
View Post

It's been a while but I don't think that win2k offers any kind of support for multiple monitor setups.

Multi monitor is supported in Windows 2000:


Strange program "[" in usr/bin, what is it?

I just noticed this, but when I try to run it, it says command not found. What is it? It's a program simply named [.

Here's a screenshot I made of it.

Reply 1 : Strange program "[" in usr/bin, what is it?

It's part of coreutils, test


apt-file search '/usr/bin/['
coreutils: /usr/bin/[

edit: Er OK, it's not test *exactly*, a bit of trivia here I just learned:

via comments in

Reply 2 : Strange program "[" in usr/bin, what is it?

Thanks for the informative answer as always allurgroceries!

Hamster Free Video Converter

I was trying to update my installation of the Hamster Free Video Converter using CNET's TechTracker. I downloaded the .exe file and ran it and during the installation of the new version, my AV (ESET NOD 32-latest version) stopped the installation and gave me a yellow warning that it was trying to install a potentially unwanted toolbar. What should I do?

Reply 1 : Hamster Free Video Converter

otherwise we limit ourselves to just two posts.

What size is this .exe file you downloaded? If it is under 20MB, upload it to and use that site to run a scan with 20 or so Anti-Virus scanners. See what results are displayed.

Sometimes our AV's give us what are called "False Positives". They wrongly mark files as holding viruses when the files are clean. See what Jotti says, and if the scans come up clean, then it is more likely that Nod has given you a false positive.

If you are still not comfortable, visit Nod's web site to see how to send the file to them to check.

Hope that helps.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

I previously installed McAfee Security Center (it came with the entire internet security suite 2006) and while I was installing it, some error would always occur. So then, I returned the software and then wanted to uninstall all of the partially installed McAfee Software. So then I did that, and I was able to successfully uninstall all McAfee programs via Add or Remove Programs from the control panel...all except one. I couldn't uninstall the McAfee Security Center. I was wondering how I can uninstall it, because when I try to it say first uninstall all McAfee services. I worry that when I install my new Norton Internet Security Suite, that the McAfee may interfere. What do you think I should do? Do you think there is anything else that I forgot to uninstall??

Reply 1 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

Did you uninstall Privacy service-some forget that one.

How do I Uninstall SecurityCenter?

Summary: This article provides the steps to remove SecurityCenter from your computer.

Note: Before uninstalling SecurityCenter, you must uninstall VirusScan, Personal Firewall, Privacy Service, and SpamKiller.

1. Click on the Start button.
2. Point to Settings (XP users skip this step).
3. Click on Control Panel.
4. Double click Add or Remove Programs.
5. Locate McAfee SecurityCenter in the list of installed programs.
6. Single click on SecurityCenter so that it is highlighted.
7. Click the Add/Remove or Change/Remove button.
8. Follow the prompts to remove SecurityCenter.
9. Restart your computer.

McAfee SecurityCenter has been removed from your computer.

If for some reason, you have removed all of your other McAfee programs and SecurityCenter will still not uninstall, do the following:

1. Double-click on My Computer (on some XP systems, click Start My Computer).
2. Double-click on drive C:
3. Double-click on the Program Files folder
4. Double-click on the folder
5. Double-click on the agent folder
6. Double-click on the app folder
7. Delete any files that end with .adf by right-clicking the file and selecting Delete
8. Use the Control Panel to remove SecurityCenter, as listed above.

Reply 2 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

I cannot remove Mcafee through the 'automatic' method, when I try it says that Mcafee is still running and that I should stop it first. But I can't find out how to stop it. I have tried Ctrl/Alt/Del and stopped it under APPLICATIONS tab, but it still says it's still running. So I tried to stop it on Ctrl/Alt/Del PROCESSES tab, but cannot identify the Mcafee PROCESSES. Has anyone else encountered this problem and found how to stop it running?

Any help MUCH appreciated.

Reply 3 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

Try opening Mcafee program and manually turning off its functions(Real time scanning,email scan,updating etc.)

Disable all the functions that you can and then try to uninstall from Control Panel.

Reply 4 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

download this
after literally months of searching and downloading 'removal' tools i finally found one that worked.


Reply 5 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

Very helpful. You solved the problem. Thanks.

Reply 6 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

I had the same issue uninstalling components of my McAfee Security Suite, and in turn the Security Center. After a long time online with Tech Support, I was directed to the following link: I went there, downloaded the McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool, and it all came right off. I hope this helps anybody that might still be having issues. I think the link is pretty self explanatory. Just follow he steps.

Reply 7 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

Yup, that removal tool simply removes all McAfee programs in your computer. In the past, that tool did not exist so I had to pay to contact their tech support to remove all McAfee programs in my computer. Good thing I use the pay-per-incident option because it took 2 days to clean my computer of any McAfee programs.

Registry Cleaner

Which is the Best FREE Registry Cleaner that automatically cleans Windows XP?

Reply 1 : Registry Cleaner

Regseeker is good, but kills off my PDF (JAWS) creation software. Norton kills off some off other software and the list continues.

Plenty out there, but I'll write you should make a backup before the changes, just in case.


Reply 2 : Registry Cleaner

Thanks, Bob!

Reply 3 : Registry Cleaner

While it was fun while it lasted, today registry cleaners are doing a lot of harm. I can only guess why but my theory is that to gain attention the companies are pushing for the most "finds."

If I were to run a cleaner the only one I'll use is CCLEANER in it's stock settings.

Bob in 2011

Reply 4 : Registry Cleaner

It does a good job and is easy to use, also makes a backup which is Very Important! and it's free.
Here is a link, you can read about it.

Reply 5 : Registry Cleaner

Thank you, Larry!!!

Reply 6 : Registry Cleaner

that you take Bobs advice, Always Backup the Registry before you play in it!!! Could save you a Big Headache.
Good Luck!

Reply 7 : Registry Cleaner

Didn't you say that Crap Cleaner made a backup?

Reply 8 : Registry Cleaner

You said that its free but when I follow the link, they are asking for a $25 payment. Did I miss something or is it no longer free?


Reply 9 : Registry Cleaner

In that link, when you click the Download Now button and the next page displays, you will see two links below that 'Buy now' request.

The two links are for File Hippo and Piriform. They are the free versions.

Hope that helps.


Reply 10 : Registry Cleaner

I think the best Registry cleaner is CCleaner, I use this regularly.

Nvidia WHQL 250.61 drivers out

Test and report please. Live on nvidia page to acquire. Using now will report back

Reply 1 : Nvidia WHQL 250.61 drivers out

You mean 270.61

Reply 2 : Nvidia WHQL 250.61 drivers out

Dang! You're right. Mods please help change the title. Anyways back to 267.76 for me as custom refresh rates do not work with any higher drivers.

Reply 3 : Nvidia WHQL 250.61 drivers out


Originally Posted by svl7
View Post

You mean 270.61

There is a new thread about that driver: Nvidia 270.61 drivers ofisialy out

AVG 2011 Server Edition and IIS 6.0

ever since I installed,April 7th 2011, the newest AVG Server Edition (AVG 2011 Server Edition) our website has been hit and miss when sending out emails.The emails are suppose to go out with attachments but since I installed AVG Server Edition 70% of the emails get delivered with the attachments embedded in the email and some attachments do not get attached. I tried to look for a a pattern, 5 days actually, then gave up. Once I uninstalled AVG 2011 Server Edition everything is back to normal. For the past 5 years we have never had a problem running AVG Server Edition until AVG 2001.

Does anyone have any ideas why this would happen or if there is a solution? We run a IIS 6. on a Windows server 2003. We send emails out via Exchange Server 2005. Mostly ASP and ASP.NET pages.


Reply 1 : AVG 2011 Server Edition and IIS 6.0

Hello JGrajek,

please accept our apologies for any inconveniences caused by this situation.

I would like to ask you to contact our AVG technical support, which have enough tools to help you with this situation, on address:

Or use the option in AVG, open menu Help and Get Help Online.

In the meantime, please check also this FAQ.

Thank you

Failed DVD Burn still in finder

How do you remove a failed dvd burn from the Finder's "Places". I read about this a while back but can not remember where I read it now. I thought it was in MacWorld but did not find it.


Reply 1 : Failed DVD Burn still in finder

drag them to the trash?

Reply 2 : Failed DVD Burn still in finder

You can the desktop but not in the finder. I want to get rid of the finder one left behind.

Best camcorder for slow motion playback

I want to purchase a video camera to film baseball players while batting and pitching Then want to plug it into a computer and play it back in slow motion to analyze their swings/pitching. Ease of use is a plus! I've been reading a lot on line and am getting more confused rather than less. The last discussion that I can find on this topic is more than a year old. The cameras that I keep hearing mentioned are the Panasonic tm 700, the Canon Vixia HF M31 and the Kodak Playsport. I'm a techno newbie so "plain English" would be much appreciated!! Thanks much for any help/feedback/suggestions!!

PS3 HD display/audio for somewhat niche user

I've been using my roommate's tv and HDMI cable for my ps3, but he's moving out in June/July. I own the ps3; I'll buy my own HDMI cable, but I'll need to replace the TV rig.

Pretty much I want to buy a 1080P display and external speakers; but without paying for internal speakers/tuners that I'm not going to use. I want the display to look great, so I'm worried about buying a display which is flawed or that I'm not looking enough into other characteristics outside of resolution. I also am at a total loss for speaker selection, I just want some serious quality there, and not some tinny integrated airwaves. I want to think the money I'm spending is all going into exactly what I want to use it for, without any bells or whistles.

I don't watch TV; it's not my thing, so I don't care about the tuner. (If, somehow, a TV was better looking and cheaper than a speakerless monitor of the same caliber, I'd head in that direction. It doesn't logically add up to me - but I wouldn't be on this forum if I didn't expect to be told I'm wrong!)

I'm also looking to shell out on some actual speakers, too, so if the best display is just a monitor and thus, has no speakers, I'm already cool with that. My problem there is that I don't know what to do about my HDMI cable, which will go directly into the display, leaving nothing left to hook into the speakers. I think there's ways around it, but I think they need to be considered WHILE choosing the speakers and display.

Honestly, I know nothing of audio. I just find it awesome when it all works out - I want to get into that. I'm not looking to run wires everywhere - I'm certainly not handy and cringe at the appearance of cruddy wiring jobs I've seen, but I thought a couple of towers for speakers might have decent aesthetic and still give some decent quality. I'm really open on this - what say you?

What speakers can still work, even if the monitor eats up the ps3's HDMI cable; assuming I buy whatever cables/other equipment necessary for the solution.

Overall, I'm looking for near the state of the art, right where it's all great notch, but right before the advances in tech start making those exponential leaps in price.

My roommate's not going anywhere until June/July, and I've got a small, tinny TV which could easily hold me over for months if it needed to, something I'd be fine with if you think there's some advance in tech or major drop in price or both coming to the market this year. Black Friday? wink

Ultimately, what's the best way to go here for something I'm going to use for a long while and remain satisfied with? I feel like I'm being pretty picky, so thanks for digesting all of this. Any feedback on any or all of these concerns would be great ~


Reply 1 : PS3 HD display/audio for somewhat niche user

Time for a facts of life discussion I can see.

First off, with the TV, response rate, viewing angle, and contrast ratio are the primary things you want to look for. Don't get suckered in by all this 240Hz garbage, since it's a bunch of funny math how they get to that figure anyway. Look for the response rate. This is how fast any given pixel can change from black to white (all other colors are somewhere between those two). THAT will have the biggest impact on the overall fluidity of the image. Viewing angle should be pretty self-explanatory. It's mostly good for a tie breaker sort of thing. If two TV sets are identical in pretty much every way, but one has a bigger viewing angle, then go for that one. Contrast ratio is also important, since that basically tells you the range of colors the TV is capable of displaying.

HOWEVER, and I really cannot stress this enough, DO NOT buy a TV without having seen it for yourself first. Not all display panels used in TVs are created equal. So some TV set may look really good on Amazon, but if you compared it to some others with seemingly lesser specs, it would be blown out of the water. You can certainly buy the TV off a place like Amazon AFTER you've seen it in a store, but on physically large items, and also big ticket type items, buying from a local retail store is generally the better option. If something's wrong with the thing, it's far less hassle to take it back. Some place like Amazon, you'll probably have to eat about $50 just shipping it back to them, then waiting a week or two to get a replacement. Local retail you'll be in, out, and done probably within the hour.

Now, onto the audio part of things, where basically you will absolutely need some kind of a receiver. There's just no getting around this if you're planning to use HDMI for video. You could potentially go component video, but then you still only have composite audio, and it sounds like you want the full experience with this. If you want the full surround sound experience the PS3 is capable of (and on games like FFXIII where it's mixed in full surround sound, it sounds AWESOME), you absolutely need a receiver, and you probably shouldn't skimp on this either.

Everyone has their favorite brand, Onkyo has always served me well, but plenty of people speak highly of Yamaha and even Sony. Point is, you want a receiver capable of 7.2 audio. Even if you only end up going with stereo speakers, you may as well have the potential for the full surround sound experience if you decide later on you want that. And good luck finding a receiver that doesn't do at least 5.1 these days. But if you're going to use HDMI for video, then the PS3 is going to send the audio signal over HDMI as well, and take it from someone who's tried a bunch of alternate solutions, a receiver is both cheaper, easier to set up, and gives far superior sound quality.

Now, when you're looking for speakers, you want to look primarily at the frequency range. The bigger the range the better. That means that they will be able to more accurately represent sounds, and they won't come off sounding tinny or hollow. You want at least 2-way speakers, 3-way is better. The number of "ways" refers to the number of speakers in each speaker assembly. A 2-way speaker typically has the main speaker and a tweeter for high frequency sounds. A 3-way speaker tends to add a small subwoofer to the speaker -- as well as a tweeter -- for lower frequency sounds. A good sub can help make up for this, but the broader the range of frequencies the speakers themselves can handle the better, since the sub is only one giant speaker. The physical size of the speaker does play some part in things, since it's easier to put bigger, more powerful, magnets in a larger housing, but pay more attention to frequency range and the number of ways a speaker is.

The subwoofer is kind of a matter of taste. Some people like big booming bass, others are like me, and like to hear something OTHER than the thudding of the sub. Again, frequency range is key. You'd be surprised at the subtle impact a good sub can have on sound quality. If you like the big booming sounds, get a sub with a lot of watts behind it.

But again, as I've already mentioned, make sure you factor into your budget the cost of a good receiver. This is going to be an unavoidable component of your setup unless you want to use the crappy speakers in the TV.

Reply 2 : PS3 HD display/audio for somewhat niche user

Going from what you've said, I've got a few more questions~

Is there a chart somewhere that compares all the current monitors by specs, that I could compare what's out there side by side according to response times, viewing angles, and contrast ratios, and obviously res? I'd like to go into a retail store and have a couple models in mind when I get there, or at least see what the ranges and averages are as rules of thumb for these values. What's typical?, what's above average?, etcetera. (Do you have any pointers for these vales?)

7.2 noted and a go-go on the receiver, but I've got more questions about a receiver in general. How will the receiver work? If I connect the HDMI from the PS3 to the monitor, what will I connect to the audio receiver? Or will I buy an AV receiver and connect the HDMI from the PS3 to the receiver and then another HDMI from the receiver to the monitor? If that's the case, I'll need 2 HDMI cables; will I need any special cables for the audio? Will it just be the red/black wires I've caught a glimpse of in other people's homes?

As a side note, what do you think of wireless speakers? Is there loss in quality due to the lack of a hard line? I'm typically skeptical of wireless, especially because of the possibility of this notion, but it is nice to not run lines everywhere if I do go surround ... (you made a pretty presentable case, haha.) Either way, large 3-ways don't seem so bad at all. Any pointers if I did go surround?

I'm with you entirely when you say you're nonplussed by large woofs just for a large thud, so I think I'm in agreement with your tastes. Are you saying, however, that a sub with a large frequency range is entirely worth it? For speakers and subs and tweets, what constitutes as necessity (wouldn't want to go below this point) for frequency ranges? Like the displays, I can compare prices between shifts in specs, but I want to make sure I'm not stinting in a certain category without knowing it.

This is really helpful, all-forms; thanks again, Jim grin

Reply 3 : PS3 HD display/audio for somewhat niche user

It's unlikely there's any such site, so you'll have to do this in stages. Go to a couple local stores (with Circuit City going out of business it kind of reduces your options) like Best Buy, Fry's if there's one in your area, and even places like Walmart, Target, Sears/K-Mart. Write down the EXACT model name of any set that looks interesting to you, and then take that list home and start typing them into Google (or your preferred search engine) with something like "reviews" at the end. You can check Amazon, NewEgg, and even Cnet to see if they either sell that same set or have a review up. You should be able to get a detailed list of the specs from sites like NewEgg or Amazon, and also some user reviews. Odds are the reviews will help you knock at least a couple sets off your list because they'll be universally bad.

The resolution part don't worry about, because HDTVs only have 3 resolutions: 640x480 (480p), 1280x720 (720p), and 1920x1080 (1080p). Doesn't matter how big the screen size is, maximum resolution is going to be 1920x1080. The only thing that changes is either the size of the individual pixels or the space between them.

As for the rest... All other things equal, wider viewing angles, lower response rates, and higher contrast ratios are what you want to go for. The higher or lower the better, depending on the metric. Honestly, I have a pretty standard 32" 1080p set and it works just fine for all my gaming needs. I don't play a lot of FPS type games, what I play is probably a lot closer to WoW than a FPS, so I would imagine virtually any TV will be fine. But obviously if it comes down to 2-3 sets, and it's a tossup on the major factors like price and display quality, lower response rates, wider viewing angles, and higher contrast ratios should help pick a winner.

On to the audio side of things...

Any HDMI capable receiver will have what's known as HDMI passthrough abilities. So you'd take the HDMI cable from your PS3, plug it into the receiver, and it would then strip out just the audio portion sending the video on to the TV through another HDMI cable. Some higher end receivers can even do signal conversion, so you could take an HDMI input and have the output be component video or even composite. Or the other way around, so let's say you decided to get a Wii some day, which only has component video, you could take that component video, and have the receiver send the output signal over HDMI. A lot of this stuff will be a lot easier to figure out when you have the actual receiver in front of you, assuming you can think in a fairly logical way.

As for wireless speakers, I've never used them, so it would really probably depend on what kind of wireless tech they're using. If it's some kind of Ir based setup, run for the hills. You have a friend over, and they need to use the bathroom or something, it might cause one speaker to cut out momentarily as they broke the line of sight. If it's some kind of RF signal, then you'd have to be aware of things like cordless phones, wireless routers, etc. Those could potentially cause interference depending on their respective frequencies. So, while you should probably take this with a grain of salt, since I've never personally used them, I'd say that they should be lumped in with most wireless networking. Better in theory than practice. Do like with the TVs, and check some of the reviews for them on sites like NewEgg and Amazon. If some set has hundreds, even thousands, of largely positive reviews, then you can probably assume they'll work well.

And subs also do what is called LFE (Low Frequency Effects) which really more than anything helps create the sound field that creates the surround sound illusion. Think of it like a person who can throw their voice. The more precise the sub is, the better it can make it really sound like there's some explosion happening right behind you. The better it can compliment the sounds coming from any individual speaker, the more realistic the sound. And obviously a sub is only one speaker, so can only generate one frequency tone at any given moment, which is why 3-way speakers can make a difference. Each speaker having something of a dedicated sub can help make up for some of the limitations of the main sub. They're not a replacement, but more an augmentation.

Again, this is an all other things being equal. Get the sub and speakers with the greatest frequency range that you can afford, and do a little cost-benefit analysis of your own. It's probably not worth paying 1.5-2X more for a speaker and sub set that has an extra 4-5Hz range for example. If it's only an extra $50, and you can afford the $50, then maybe.

Like any major purchase, the research phase takes a long time if you want to do it right. You need to become something of an expert in your own right. Lucky for you, you have at least 2-3 months to wrap your head around all of this and you can even get started on the TV end of things now. Hit some local stores, see what there is to see, and start looking for reviews.

And I will say that one thing I like about Onkyo is their Club Onkyo site where they sell refurb units. They're labeled as refurb, and so they say may contain missing cables or have minor cosmetic damage, but I think 90% of the stuff is just models they've discontinued and are looking to clear out of their warehouses, so they sell them at a discount. I've bought two off of them, both looked like they could have come right from a retail store. One had a bum IR sensor, but Onkyo's CS dept got me set up with a replacement pretty quickly and painlessly. But don't buy an Onkyo just because that's what I've used. Look around, read reviews, make a decision based on what you think sounds good.

USB/Sound Issue

I am having a sound-related issue that I think may be related to USB.
When I plug in a USB device, such as a flash drive or my cell phone, my computer will freeze for a couple of seconds, and I will often have sound issues.
One such issue is my system sound becoming very quiet for no reason, even though all volume settings are correct. I have to restart the computer for the sound to normalize.
Another issue I had was when I unplug a flash drive, if I am listening to music from my hard drive, it will pause for no apparent reason.
I have never experienced issues quite like this before, and I would welcome any suggestions as to what may be causing the issues, or how I might fix them. Thanks!

A little bit about my system:
Intel Core 2 Quad Q9400
1 TB SATA HDD + 1 GB External USB drive
Sound Blaster Xtreme Audio card
GeForce GTX 285 video
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

If you need any more info, just let me know.
Thank you in advance!

Reply 1 : USB/Sound Issue

I had very similar issues and it turned out to be a very similar system and let's hope. Look at the HP d4999t and d5000t. It's very similar and here's what I found.

1. The 1 TB HDD had a firmware update. That was scary but helped, but no cure.
2. Turns out the Intel Rapid Storage Technology app was not optional.

Hope this helps,

Reply 2 : USB/Sound Issue

I don't have a RAID array in my system. I'm not sure how the Intel Rapid Storage Technology applies. It seems like the USB is problematic, but I'm really not sure.

Reply 3 : USB/Sound Issue

I hope you can see that THAT software title was not optional in my machine. Without it, my SINGLE non-RAID 1TB drive performance was pitiful.

Reply 4 : USB/Sound Issue

Intel Rapid Storage Technology is for RAID systems.

Reply 5 : USB/Sound Issue

Read another example where it fixes another issue at

Intel changes the name of this software over time so you get to roll with it.

You can choose to ignore this one but on a very very very similar system, it didn't work right until.

Reply 6 : USB/Sound Issue

It is true. The technology to which you are referring is Intel's RAID software. I'm not sure what you are talking about, but you were misled somewhere. Here is a quote from Intel: "This driver provides support for high-capacity & fault-tolerant
Serial ATA (SATA) RAID 5 arrays and high-performance &
fault-tolerant SATA RAID 10 arrays".


=-) Perhaps you were referring to something else?
At any rate, this has nothing to do with the original problem I mentioned. Does anyone have any ideas, or some constructive input? Thanks again.

Reply 7 : USB/Sound Issue

Read my last link and in that one it's " Intel(R) Matrix Storage Manager" and I leave it to Intel to explain the name change.

I'm unsure why you need more about this. After dozens of installs this has helped in every case.

I can only share and wish you well, good luck, hope you find it and will let you be.

Reply 8 : USB/Sound Issue

I want to impress on you that Intel changed and updated the Matrix Storage Manage and the new name is as above. has Intel writing:
" Whether using one or multiple hard drives, users can take advantage of enhanced performance and lower power consumption. "

Again, your choice. But I fear you're passing up a possible fix.

Reply 9 : USB/Sound Issue

This issue is solved.
For anyone else having this issue, here is the solution:
Right-click the speaker icon in the task tray. Click Sounds, then click on the Communications tab.
Next, select the Do Nothing radio button to set Windows to not reduce system sounds when communications activity is detected.
Mine was set to reduce volume by 80%, and this is what it was doing when I was plugging in my phone, or other devices.
I hope this can help someone else with the same issue!

Get error "unexpected error occured in AVG"

Windows 7 Ultimate
AVG Anti-Virus Free 2011

I tried to update or open the program on my hubby's computer and everytime I do, I get: 'unexpected error occured in AVG. Would you like to send diagnostic data to the AVG Tech Support department for further analysis?'

I can scan but cannot open its interface and update nothing. Can someone please help?

Reply 1 : Get error "unexpected error occured in AVG"

Hello lascott7,

Please provide us with the following so we can investigate the error:
- Few recent AVG dump files from this folder:
- All AVG log files located here:
- MSinfo output.

Upload requested files and outputs to your favourite online storage service and provide us with link.

Afterwards you could try to perform full reinstallation and inform us if the issue was resolved.

Thank you

Different revisions?

So I see with many Alienware laptops that they go threw different revisions?

Let's say I buy the new-upcoming 14-inch model, it will be revision 1 obviously? Am I able to get it upgraded every time a revision comes out?

How does this whole thing work?

Reply 1 : Different revisions?

You'll be stuck with the revision you purchased unless your machine is faulty and under warranty, but the parts are no longer available, then they may replace it with a newer revision. I see revisions as refreshes to some extent.

Reply 2 : Different revisions?


Originally Posted by BNHabs
View Post

So I see with many Alienware laptops that they go threw different revisions?

Let's say I buy the new-upcoming 14-inch model, it will be revision 1 obviously? Am I able to get it upgraded every time a revision comes out?

How does this whole thing work?

When the M14x comes out it would be the first model no matter what it is called.

Dell USA has a buy back plan which one could purchase with a laptop for $54.

It works like this:

0-6 months after purchase they buy it for %50 its price

6-12 40%

12-18 30%

18-24 20%

I am not aware of any other upgrade plans through dell.

Reply 3 : Different revisions?

Yes you can. You buy first revision R1, then once R2 comes out, you buy r2 now you have r1 and r2. If you want to save money for r2, you sell r1 to help reduce cost for new r2. Same logic for r3.

Reply 4 : Different revisions?

And what is most likely to change in each of these revisions?

Reply 5 : Different revisions?

No-one knows. Probably a new CPU architecture, if there's one out by then, and probably an upgraded GPU, maybe 1TB HDD option, if they're aroundt by then.

Reply 6 : Different revisions?


Originally Posted by Serephucus
View Post

No-one knows. Probably a new CPU architecture, if there's one out by then, and probably an upgraded GPU, maybe 1TB HDD option, if they're aroundt by then.

CPU architecture seems to be the primary result of a revision change. All the revisions have been based on the newer platform of that time. GPU is hit or miss whether it gets a boost or not.

Reply 7 : Different revisions?

Basically put, new revisions consist of a new motherboard in the machine, and mostly minor (if any) changes to the outside of the machine. As already said they are usually brought in to bring a newer line of CPUs to the model. They usually also support the latest GPUs.

The exception really was the M17x R3; while it was still a revision, it was a massive one, with significant changes to both case and components.

If you get an M14x, it would be the R1. When a new model comes out you would actually have to purchase the new model to upgrade to it; there's no way to upgrade one machine to a newer revision (even if it was, the cost of a new motherboard, CPU, etc. would be prohibitive).

Reply 8 : Different revisions?

It's a little odd that the first model is called revision 1. It would seem to me that the M14x should just be called the M14x until it is revised, then that model will be revision 1.

A better word for the models would be "version" instead of "revision."

Reply 9 : Different revisions?

^ You're right, but Dell's thinking is probably that it would confuse most people. (and they're probably not wrong...)

Data lost from Documents Area

I lost about 130GB of data mostly Guitar video tutorials but the space is still being used up somewhere. I ran DiskWarrior 4.2 and it said I had Propety List Damage and can't fix it. Please help. Yes i checked the trash and have been checking as many flder as I can to see if all these lost folders of data got moved some where. I'm on a Mac Pro Intes Snow Leopard 10.6.7

Note: This post was edited by forum moderator to remove email address on 04/09/2011 on 10:07 PM PT

Reply 1 : Data lost from Documents Area

Your computer has to be booted from the DW disk before it can do any form of fixing.

It is never a good idea to post your email address in a public forum.

I have asked for it to be removed


Keyboard shortcut triggered screen capture software

I am looking for a screen capture program that I could run in the background and trigger by entering a keyboard shortcut. Ideally the screen capture program would be setup to take screen captures and automatically save them to a jpg or bmp or png and the file name would be sequentially numbered or date-time stamped. I am hoping someone could suggest a program that could do what i have described. I know it could be done with the printscreen key and the Windows application paint but that is a more manual process than i want to use. I'm hoping there is an application that will simply allow me to hit a keyboard shortcut and do the rest automatically. Thank you for whatever assistance you could provide.

P.S. My operating system is Windows 7 professional 32 bit.

Anything better than Slingbox?

I'll be living abroad for 2 years. I want to keep up with all my local sports teams. I wanted to get the Slingbox but read some horrible reviews about it's quality and customer service. Is there any other device like the Slingbox that will allow me to watch my own tv channels on the internet abroad?


Tech newbie

Reply 1 : Anything better than Slingbox?

Quality. Now that many have moved to HD, the older Slings with SD picture quality will now be dis'd and slapped down.

Service. I'm reading, hearing and more about service. What folk often don't realize is the support is not going to teach networking and other basic skills. This is where folk get upset fast. They buy a technically challenging product and then need help to get it working.

This is not a toaster and the support is not free so you can see where folk will get upset.

-> After all that, even I am not sure how a sling box would help.

Reply 2 : Anything better than Slingbox?

Yes, but the product is junk. Even if you get the technical support, it doesn't change the fact that it just doesn't work. They are fixing the issues, but need to wait til then to buy one.

Reply 3 : Anything better than Slingbox?

My reply was to highlight this product support issues. and other places have users that do have it working.

HOWEVER. Imagine the new user without network experience and they hit a roadblock (a firewall.) Those will call it junk and flame over the support costs.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

Anyone know what this is about....

I have to think something smells here but do not know enough about this one way or opinion but preferably experience would be greatly appreciated.



Reply 1 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

It looks like they are collecting your email address so they can sell it to spammers.

If it is ligitamant....they are talking about MPEG-2 Satellite reception. But they are failing to tell you a lot.

If you want to receive all of those channels they stated:
You would need a large satellite dish (6 or 8 foot) for C-band and Ku-band.
You would need a controller to move the satellite dish.
You would need a special satellite modem.
You would need their special software.

If you just happen to have a large dish satellite system (with C band and Ku band capability) , you can buy a MPEG-2 receiver for $200 and hook it up to your Television Set.
And you would have all of those free channels they mentioned.

You can get more details here:


Reply 2 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

Thanks for the info...all they are asking for is $67 which is a odd marketing price also......

The hype is that only $67 gets you the software to watch a bazillion movies or so...yeah I realize if it's to good to be true...blah..blah..blah....but I am on an educational hunt also.....

I'll follow your link and get up to speed thanks a lot..appreciate it...C-man

Reply 3 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

While reading these posts I scrolled down to the bottom of this page and lo and behold the very website I am asking about are sponsors...!!

So does that mean they are legit..?
I will try to copy and paste the ads here:

So here they are they must have about 5 different domain names but all lead up to the same site for a mere $67 guess my questions is are these folks legit and the services legal....if I can watch the Longhorn play while on line that would be sweet...!

Secret Satellite TV on PC
Shocking discovery they don't Want you to know.
Visit Web Site

How To Get Free Satellite
New website shows you how to watch Satellite TV on your PC for free!

Reply 4 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

The grey area towards the bottom of each page is from Google Syndication, and while they are targeted to the content of a post/thread based on keyword it does not mean that they are recommended or even ever tested by Cnet. To the contrary, I have seen a couple that have been black-listed for various reasons and have stacked up numerous complaints with the Better Business Bureau. Thus, I would not consider that a sign of legitimacy.

Personally, the website looks fishy and I can't find any reviews of them aside from their own marketing so I'd pass.


Reply 5 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

Looks like this is another successful inquiry put to bed.....thanks...
C-man...outtah heah........

Reply 6 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

It is said, "If it is too good to be true, then it isn't. If this is a CNET sponsor, would not CNET want to know if the product lives up to its claim?

Secret Satellite- Satellite TV on your computer

Why spend over $90 a month on Satellite or Cable service?
Sick of fighting for the remote with other people in your house?
Why spend $400+ on a new TV when you can download one now!
With this newly developed technology, it's SUPER easy.
1. You will be watching over ONE THOUSAND channels of Sports, Movies, and TV shows within minutes.
Don't miss out on that big game because it is not broadcasted in your area ...or even country! With Satellite PC you can virtually watch any sport imaginable right from your PC or Laptop ...FOR FREE!
Satellite PC is your all access pass to TV Stations in almost any language you can imagine.
We've made it SUPER easy to sort by Country OR Genre... so you can quickly find the TV Channel you want to watch.
See how easy it is to sort through all 1000 Channels with Satellite PC:
ONLY $ 67

Reply 7 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

credible is the rest of your message?

Ifg it's too good to be true, it is.

Reply 8 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

Have a look at this, an almost invisible like at the bottom of secretsatellite's page:
The most interesting part is at the end. They are looking for people to advertise the software in forums, blogs etc. and benefit when eventually someone buys the software from their link.
That's what's really behind it.
SecretSatellite or Free Satellite PC or Undergroundsatellite or whatever is merely a collection of links to open webstreams of TV stations from all over the world. You may easily find it elsewhere. Also, the package includes TVAnts from Zhejiang University, officially available for free from their own homepage.

PS: As usual still, many streams are absolutely small and low-quality, or not even available anytime and anywhere.

Reply 9 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

I bought 05/14/2008 software for 39.95 USA(2007 Edition).I agre to add 10.00 USA.I didn't get order.I was chrged from my credit card(4 last digit:9989)Contat with you is very ugly,but I need soccer chanel
that was promised(but no one)
Boris grinberg

Message was edited by: admin to remove email address to prevent spam harvesters from picking it up.

Reply 10 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

You can get a FREE demo!

Reply 11 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

I found this software on this website
itdid deliver what it was promissed on the website.
Now I enjoy watching all this channels for free, I can watch on my pc or I can hook up the pc to the Tv.
My friends can't bealive it's from the internet.

Reply 12 : What's the deal with this new sat-tv software?

PLEASE NOTE: I tried the link to, it redirected me to tvx5, and AVG blocked a threat - malware called exploit something...

Please be careful about that site. I DO NOT trust it!!!

Portable Scanning/Archival Solution?


A colleague of mine has a problem which I will list hereunder. I did not quite know where exactly to put it, so I am posting here. Mods, please move this to appropriate section. Thanks.

The problem:

A colleague needs a secondary portable laptop (which is easily taken care of). She also does a lot of archival work which requires her to make copies - either by scanning or by photocopying. This last bit is posing a problem for her. When she is in the archives, she copies about 50-75 pages per day. While some of the locations she visits have in-house copying facilities, others do not. She is thus looking for a portable copying solution. Some of the options that we have discussed are:

(1) A portable scanner - I don't know if this would hoild up to her scanning requirements. But a possibility?

(2) Using a digital camera to take pics of the documents and then to convert them to PDF or another readable and editable format. Problem with this is that the output of this option leaves much to be desired for. Moreover, I am not sure the conversion of images into text would work well. However, if the conversion is indeed possible to so smoothly (if necessary by buying the necessary software), then this may be a viable option. She has tried doing this with one of the low end digital point-and-shoot cams, but as I mentioned earlier, the output is horrible.

Are there any other options or suggestions that you can make? The key is portability.

She is in a bit of a hurry so...please...thanks.


Reply 1 : Portable Scanning/Archival Solution?

Moved and retitled.

From my experience, at least, you're definitely want to use some sort of specialized scanner. A digital camera is not going to cut it, even if it is a DSLR, since it results in huge file sizes but very variable quality unless you have a rig that's built to make sure the output is consistent every time (and in that case, it may be faster--see the Google Book and other similar projects).

Reply 2 : Portable Scanning/Archival Solution?


Originally Posted by MidnightSun
View Post

Moved and retitled.

From my experience, at least, you're definitely want to use some sort of specialized scanner. A digital camera is not going to cut it, even if it is a DSLR, since it results in huge file sizes but very variable quality unless you have a rig that's built to make sure the output is consistent every time (and in that case, it may be faster--see the Google Book and other similar projects).

Thanks. Much appreciated. Any rig that can be set up would be rather involved and, I am guessing, cumbersome. I personally think she is out of luck...but let's wait to see if there are alternatives.

6300 cooling


  • My 6300's Go 6100 GPU cannot be upgraded (MXM thread).
  • I'm suffering regular, no-warning, instant power-off's.
  • Getting the occasional Blue screen, all attributed (according to Win logs) to the nVidia graphics chip.
  • There are apparently no driver updates available for the Go 6100 - nVidia site.
  • Graphics failures at boot (although it does recover itself).

Other than completely giving up and binning this monstrosity, would anyone have any other suggestions for cooling it down please?

Currently (Piriform Speccy):
  • CPU - AMD Turion 64 Mobile MK-36
  • Motherboard - Acer Myallm (U1)
  • Graphics - 256MB GeForce Go 6100 (Acer Incorporated [ALI])

I'm considering drilling a few holes in the base of my case in order to get more airflow around the system and I've aslo bought a small fan setup which will sit under my laptop, but it's all a bit clunky and difficult to perch to the arm of my chair (too hot for my lap!).

Thanks in advance.

Reply 1 : 6300 cooling

Those temps are really high!

Do not drill holes in the pc, that will make things worse. Get a good laptop cooler and it will probably fix the issue.

I use Zamlan nc2000 and it is GREAT!

You should also spray the vents with compressed air to get rid of some dust.

Reply 2 : 6300 cooling

If you feel up to it:

Take it apart.

Remove the heatsink.

Clean the heatsink with a can of compressed air.

Wipe away old thermal paste (but keep any thermal pads)

Appply fresh thermal pads.

Drill holes if neccesary.

If those don't work, bin it.

Reply 3 : 6300 cooling


Originally Posted by Simplified
View Post

Those temps are really high!

Do not drill holes in the pc, that will make things worse.

How? The more air flow the better, surely. As long as they're narrow enough to not let anything substantial into the system, surely they can only help?


Originally Posted by Simplified
View Post

Get a good laptop cooler and it will probably fix the issue. I use Zamlan nc2000 and it is GREAT!

Thanks for the recommendation, will look into it.


Originally Posted by Simplified
View Post

You should also spray the vents with compressed air to get rid of some dust.

Now I've always read this is bad practice and can actually force air into componenets, causing shorts.


Originally Posted by Meaker
View Post

If you feel up to it:

Take it apart.

Remove the heatsink.

Clean the heatsink with a can of compressed air.

Wipe away old thermal paste (but keep any thermal pads)

Appply fresh thermal pads.

I have considered this and think I probably will.


Originally Posted by Meaker
View Post

Drill holes if neccesary.

If those don't work, bin it.

Yup! lol


Reply 4 : 6300 cooling

My recommendation would be to disassemble the laptop, clean the radiators and apply new high quality thermal paste.

I can't remember if you could undervolt Turion 64 Mk36 but I suppose it's possible- I had a Turion 64 and RMClock worked.

Best results would be achieved by thorough cleaning and new thermal paste.

Undervolting CPU is just an added benefit if it works.

Notebook cooler is also an added benefit however it with temperatures as high as yours it won't be enough on its own.

EDIT: Apparently I type really slow

Reply 5 : 6300 cooling

Thanks again.

One thing I have noticed; my fan never gets noisy. I guess I shouldn't complain but if it was working hard at any time, I'm sure I'd know it, but it never seems to.

Reply 6 : 6300 cooling


Originally Posted by cyberdyne
View Post

How? The more air flow the better, surely. As long as they're narrow enough to not let anything substantial into the system, surely they can only help?

Thanks for the recommendation, will look into it.

Now I've always read this is bad practice and can actually force air into componenets, causing shorts.

I have considered this and think I probably will.

Yup! lol


If you want to drill holes, I recommend you to cover them with a net (or something silimar), or dust may enter the laptop and settle at strange places where you least want it to be.

Another way to do this is to cut up a big "vent" at the bottom of the computer and cover it with a net. Note a net cover is needed if you want to stop strange things from getting in.

Reply 7 : 6300 cooling

OK, thanks for clarifying.

Reply 8 : 6300 cooling

OK, this was hard to open and take apart but got there eventually. Took her apart and removed a couple of dividers on the fan intake grill. Also cleaned the fan and heatsink up, they were pretty grubby with dust. I also noticed a paper/plastic coated patch covering every single fan intake hole!

I'm now wondering if ACER want people to have problems with overheating!

Granted, I've only been running the system again for 15 minutes, but I've had quite a few app's running and it already looks much better:

CPU - AMD Turion 64 Mobile MK-36

Motherboard - Acer Myallm (U1)

Graphics - 256MB GeForce Go 6100 (Acer Incorporated [ALI])

I've also noticed the fan is spinning up and down (slow and faster) for the first time I can recall. Previously it was just one, constant - fairly low - speed.

Reply 9 : 6300 cooling

acers got the worst cooling ever.