In several areas routine surgery was put on hold for months, while in many others new thresholds for hip and knee replacements have been introduced.
The moves are part of the NHS drive to find 20bn efficiency savings by 2015.
The government said performance should be measured by outcomes not numbers....
Is forced socialized medicine that depends on such health care rationing to make it affordable really moral?
Reply 1 : ObamaCare: UK Style
The thing is that Health Care in the US prior to Congress's Health Care (it's not what Obama was talking about during the campaign, it was messed about ferociously) was rationed through the large number of people without insurance, or with insufficient insurance, or those people whose insurance was cut off in mid treatment by their insurance companies. There are significant waits for various surgeries at Public Hospitals, which means the US already has the same problems you are remarking upon as applying to Britain. When I see people talking about the US Health Care system, they just skip over the people who don't have generous Health Insurance Plans as if they don't exist. They have always existed in the US.
People may have to wait for treatment, but they get it eventually. Additionally this is as I understand it, a move put in place by the Conservative government requiring the NHS to save 20 billion by 2015. Allocation of funds in this case is a political decision, and the average Conservative voter probably already has a private plan anyway. However I would like to hear what Mark Flax has to say on the issue.
My personal experience working for the NHS was extremely positive, and the services offered were far greater than those in either the US or Canada in both of whose Health Care Systems I have worked.
Reply 2 : ObamaCare: UK Style,_US_Dollars_PPP.png
Somebody should smack David Cameron around the lug hole for that.
Reply 3 : ObamaCare: UK Style
I saw a TV report a few years ago, (no links), A team of dentists visited various places in the southern US states offering free dental treatment for those without insurance. They were over-subscribed by thousands and couldn't treat them all. The queues were hundreds of yards down the streets for those who had never been able to afford dental treatment in their lives.
Is forced capitalist {lack of} treatment on such uninsured really moral?
To Rob. No, most businesses do not offer private health insurance. The private industry has tried for decades to get a foothold into the UK with little success.
Reply 4 : ObamaCare: UK Style
Reply 5 : ObamaCare: UK Style
Reply 6 : ObamaCare: UK Style
I've never said our NHS system is perfect.
Seems you think yours is?
Reply 7 : ObamaCare: UK Style
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Reply 14 : ObamaCare: UK Style
He, or rather his clinic/employer, gets paid for an office visit.
He orders testing to verify what he thinks (perhaps to cover himself in case of a lawsuit also) and his employer has it's own testing, there is more fees.
I'm not saying the doctors are ordering unneeded tests. I'm saying there are pressures from the way the systems works, both financially and liability wise, to run two test instead on one.
The payment scheme for advising you on what to eat and what exercise you need isn't very rewarding. That is unless you're referred to a clinical dietitian and a rehabilitation expert.
Reply 15 : ObamaCare: UK Style
I can't speak for the other countries on the list, but the US has multiple health care systems that all end up lumped together in that list. We 'benefit' from: the VA/military system that does a fair/poor job, the indigent care system that offers abysmal care, Medicaid that varies from state to state but is probably fair/poor overall, commercial insurance that mostly offers good (if expensive) care, and care for the wealthy that is completely unrestricted that offers excellent but very expensive care.
Some critics look only at the low end of that care spectrum. Some enthusiasts look only at the high end of the spectrum. I don't think either of those approaches is very meaningful.
Reply 16 : ObamaCare: UK Style
The World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems was last produced in 2000, and the WHO no longer produces such a ranking table, because of the complexity of the task.
Best for one person may not be good enough for their fellow countryman.
Reply 17 : ObamaCare: UK Style
An odd thing from my experience and unfamiliar to most of you save Dr. Bill, Total Parenteral Nutrition, for people whose stomach and intestines have been removed for any of a number of reasons, was pioneered in Sweden, and the lipid solution is still made there, though perhaps there are now US manufacturers (there weren't when I first encountered it in the US).
TPN must be kept fresh in a Hospital grade refrigerator, and supplied about every two weeks to the patients (i.e. a two week supply is delivered). Not only does the NHS supply these I.V. solutions, but it supplies the rather expensive fridge to store them. I used to deliver them once a week to two lists of patients on alternate weeks, meaning the Hospital must have a delivery van too. I don't know how it's done in Canada, though I have encountered it here, but I don't know that it's available for home use as it is in the UK.
So why is the Health Care delivered in the US "the best". Do you have the lowest infant mortality? No. Do you have the longest average life spans? No. Do you have the cheapest Health Care? No, US Health Care is the most expensive in the world while leaving 50 million uninsured and probably another 100 million under-insured.
I came up here somewhat reluctantly, unhappy to leave all that was familiar behind. It took me 10 years to get to the point where I could see that the Canadian system was not merely better but far better, and far fairer, and when I went to Britain 7 years after that, I was astonished at how much more comprehensive the British system was than the Canadian.
I still think the solution to underfunding in the UK and Canada is to funnel all the taxes on liquor and cigarettes directly into the health care budget. Those are the two things that cause the most health problems. That would likely end all the problems, but of course government has been spending those revenues on just about everything else but Health Care. But that wouldn't help in the US where "sin taxes" aren't much in evidence.
Reply 18 : ObamaCare: UK Style
Reply 19 : ObamaCare: UK Style
Read more:
Reply 20 : ObamaCare: UK Style
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Reply 22 : ObamaCare: UK Style
Actually, there's a lot about government medical or government insurance I don't think I like. But when I look around sometimes, I wonder which list of deficiencies is worse.
So far I've been lucky, I've only had a few periods since I entered the work force full time I wasn't working. And they were all less than 3 months so I could carry COBRA. Expensive, but I managed it. If it had been more than 3 months, I'd probably have been without insurance.
I had a couple of crowns before I had any dental insurance. Even with a steady fair paying job for the time, covering them was a hassle. It helped a lot my dentist was willing to spread part of it out over a few paychecks.
But if I had had an abscess without insurance or a job, I would have had to lose the tooth. Root canals and crowns have never been inexpensive.
While some people are out of work because they won't put forth enough effort, I know some personally that are out in spite of what they're willing to do. I know some working part-time with no insurance because they can't afford it. In the last year, I barely kept my job. The cutoff was actually above me, but three older workers volunteered for layoff to collect their severance, draw unemployment or work part-time for a few months until they officially retired.
Reply 23 : ObamaCare: UK Style
FWIW, Medicare does cover hip replacement in the U.S...
Reply 24 : ObamaCare: UK Style
Who do you believe 'doesn't' deserve health care?
Reply 25 : ObamaCare: UK Style
Reply 26 : ObamaCare: UK Style
I have no difficulty with that definition and I see no moral reason to refuse anyone health care simply because they are poor and cannot afford it or cannot afford private insurance.
Big differences there.
Reply 27 : ObamaCare: UK Style
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