Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

I previously installed McAfee Security Center (it came with the entire internet security suite 2006) and while I was installing it, some error would always occur. So then, I returned the software and then wanted to uninstall all of the partially installed McAfee Software. So then I did that, and I was able to successfully uninstall all McAfee programs via Add or Remove Programs from the control panel...all except one. I couldn't uninstall the McAfee Security Center. I was wondering how I can uninstall it, because when I try to it say first uninstall all McAfee services. I worry that when I install my new Norton Internet Security Suite, that the McAfee may interfere. What do you think I should do? Do you think there is anything else that I forgot to uninstall??

Reply 1 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

Did you uninstall Privacy service-some forget that one.

How do I Uninstall SecurityCenter?

Summary: This article provides the steps to remove SecurityCenter from your computer.

Note: Before uninstalling SecurityCenter, you must uninstall VirusScan, Personal Firewall, Privacy Service, and SpamKiller.

1. Click on the Start button.
2. Point to Settings (XP users skip this step).
3. Click on Control Panel.
4. Double click Add or Remove Programs.
5. Locate McAfee SecurityCenter in the list of installed programs.
6. Single click on SecurityCenter so that it is highlighted.
7. Click the Add/Remove or Change/Remove button.
8. Follow the prompts to remove SecurityCenter.
9. Restart your computer.

McAfee SecurityCenter has been removed from your computer.

If for some reason, you have removed all of your other McAfee programs and SecurityCenter will still not uninstall, do the following:

1. Double-click on My Computer (on some XP systems, click Start My Computer).
2. Double-click on drive C:
3. Double-click on the Program Files folder
4. Double-click on the folder
5. Double-click on the agent folder
6. Double-click on the app folder
7. Delete any files that end with .adf by right-clicking the file and selecting Delete
8. Use the Control Panel to remove SecurityCenter, as listed above.

Reply 2 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

I cannot remove Mcafee through the 'automatic' method, when I try it says that Mcafee is still running and that I should stop it first. But I can't find out how to stop it. I have tried Ctrl/Alt/Del and stopped it under APPLICATIONS tab, but it still says it's still running. So I tried to stop it on Ctrl/Alt/Del PROCESSES tab, but cannot identify the Mcafee PROCESSES. Has anyone else encountered this problem and found how to stop it running?

Any help MUCH appreciated.

Reply 3 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

Try opening Mcafee program and manually turning off its functions(Real time scanning,email scan,updating etc.)

Disable all the functions that you can and then try to uninstall from Control Panel.

Reply 4 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

download this
after literally months of searching and downloading 'removal' tools i finally found one that worked.


Reply 5 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

Very helpful. You solved the problem. Thanks.

Reply 6 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

I had the same issue uninstalling components of my McAfee Security Suite, and in turn the Security Center. After a long time online with Tech Support, I was directed to the following link: I went there, downloaded the McAfee Consumer Products Removal Tool, and it all came right off. I hope this helps anybody that might still be having issues. I think the link is pretty self explanatory. Just follow he steps.

Reply 7 : Can't uninstall McAfee Security Center!

Yup, that removal tool simply removes all McAfee programs in your computer. In the past, that tool did not exist so I had to pay to contact their tech support to remove all McAfee programs in my computer. Good thing I use the pay-per-incident option because it took 2 days to clean my computer of any McAfee programs.

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